Well, what a day and not even a full one! Like last October’s event there was standing room only at almost every session. There was great content and the most open and direct dialog I’ve heard at an industry event.  Both the Third Party Site and OEM/Dealer panels were definitely spot on for what’s happening, what’s coming and what hurts for the auto business.  The questions were relevant and did not seem to be the typically expected setup to an advertisement from the speaker.

It is clear that the overwhelming majority of people here are looking for help, answers, facts and hope.  After the ‘bleak’ statistics session, it was right on to the meat and potatoes.  During the break and networking event, the chatter was definitely oriented around working toward solutions and dealing with industry issues head on.

As for the IM@CS Internet Fundamentals session, it was a pleasure to have such a large group and hear the input, questions and needs of the audience.  The comments and feedback after the event is greatly appreciated and will definitely find its way into future presentations. Thank you again to JD Power and Charlie Vogelheim for the invitation and courtesy.

Check back tomorrow for the day 2 report….

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