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Still Ignoring The “C Word” Will Cost You

The “C Word”. You know, that word. The one that makes dealership executives’ skin crawl, makes sales people laugh, has trainers’ mouths drool and absolutely keeps your store from its true potential. It even has female staffers cringing, question working at the dealership. Say it with me….CULTURE.

Ignored by only the bravest of souls who understand the kind of wrath and trial it brings. Changing culture takes balls. It takes work. It takes time. And it takes an unrelenting focus as well as undying commitment. We all know it, so why do so few do it? Weak leadership? Lazy management? Not necessarily. Mostly it’s due to the lack of understanding what the intermediate goals during and wins at the end of the effort are. You know…not starting with the end in mind.

Culture, by definition, is a way of life of a group of people–the behaviors, beliefs, values, and symbols that they accept, generally without thinking about them, and that are passed along by communication and imitation from one generation to the next.

In other words, you’ve built the existing culture and it’s continued nearly blindly. In order to change a culture, the industry has historically resorted to spiffing or spanking. That’s not truly leading a culture change, rather a practice of distraction. So we take adults who should otherwise be able to achieve a change and create a different focus. Then we shoot down the same adults when the incentive or punishment dissipates. Quit setting your business up for failure!

Culture change takes conviction and creating lots of buy-in. We do that a lot with lead management and sales coaching at IM@CS. Creating adoption breeds results. More than taking the same business rules and communication requirements from dealer to dealer, like most consultants and trainers do, it takes a focus on sustainable actions through owning efforts, responsibility and results at each individual business.

Instead of blaming incompatible software, say desking and CRM, for why salespeople don’t complete their logging and steps in tracking and following up with customers, create an environment where sales supports each other and daily reports reign. And back it up with at least one weekly sales meeting run completely out of CRM. Over-simplified? Possibly. Worthwhile? Absolutely.

Culture? It’s everything or it’s nothing. Yeah, that will reflect everywhere…


Best Practices: Professional Insight, Powerful Results

Let’s Remember Who It’s About: Not You!

Have you ever listened to a profressional salesperson? No, no, really. Have you ever listened to a proferssional salesperson? Those skilled in the trade are fantastic about doing one thing extremely well: allowing the customer to understand that it's about them, what's in it for them and how important they are. Those with truly exceptional skill allow people to talk themselves into buying.

So why in the heck have trainers and consultants been ruining it for customers walking into dealerships by knocking some of the following word tracks and customer approaches into salespeople's heads:

"I will do whatever it takes to earn your business"

"I've received your information, I've checked that the car is still here, I've spoken with my manager about the price and I only need to know right now if you have a trade in"

"I need to know what it will take to get you down here right now"

"I will answer all of your quesitons and I hope to meet you soon"…

In visiting and mystery shopping dealerships all over the country, it is more apparent than ever that salespeople not only like to talk about themselves, they're trained to. The less skilled they are, the more it happens. That's got to be worth everything from the OEM-paid local course, to the $1,500 conference, to the $5,000-10,000 per-day in-house super-duper-trainer with 30 years experience.

Folks, who is everything about? The customer. You will never make it about the customer talking about yourself. Ever! And that is what 3-month newbies to 25+ years veterans do all day long. And if the communication is over the phone or email versus face-to-face, add even more to the irritating factor. Can we all agree that, for the most part, the person that a prospect is talking to is assumed to be their salesperson or at least a sales contact? OK, now that we are passed that, move the focus from you to them…

For the past seven years, the education we bring to dealers and the coaching we bring to sales teams is consistent:

!. Eliminate "I" and change your word tracks to "you"

2. Make everything about the customer, first.

3. Change the delivery to talk about what the cusotmer receives, how it benefits them, when they'll get it, how they'll get it and, absolutely last, who they'll get it from.

Nothing turns people off more than hearing about someone they don't know or care about tallking about themselves, what they're doing, what they need, what they can do and can't do, and how much they want to sell a car. #yawn

Changing communication and contact practices will increase contact, ppointment and how rates. Oh, and that sell more cars. Period.


Best Practices: Professional Insight, Powerful Results

Automotive Digital: The Cost of Being Minimized

It's no secret that we're on the move. All of us. You might even say that the speed at which things change is breakneck. What is less known is that as we speed toward wherever "there" is, the more we seem to be willingly giving up. The homogenization of dealerships is rampant…and it's the dealer that checked the box.

Our industry moves at the speed of retail. There is no two ways about it. While the mainstream media still focuses on what happens with the OEMs, just know that you are the king, not the pawn. That is until you make a choice: hire the preferred vendor so you can co-op funds; use the standard POPs since it's easier; use the brand website so you don't have to "maintain" two. And so on.

Consumerism is driving retail, which is at conflict with the OEMs. At the same time, dealers by-and-large are giving up the ghost because of cost. Well folks, the greater cost is being minimized. You can want it as much as possible and you still won't have your cake and eat it to. At least not in the digital realm.

So while customers are screaming for attention, service, why-buys, value, appreciation, satisfaction and validation, you throw a redundant website, a canned script, a formulaic email, a prepackaged walkaround, a canned welcome and broken sourcing practices at them. All to hopefully deliver the same car that's available at multiple competitors.

Very few dealers are making the investment to differentiate everything about their operations. You will never sell more saving money. You will never retain more customers while cutting costs. You will never achieve market increases while focusing on consolidating services. You will accelerate your demise.

Progressive businesses continually stay in front of trends, measure more effectively, create opportunities, listen more effectively, invest wisely and attract more eyeballs and customers. Those that don't….don't. 

The OEM-supported and mandated programs that are happening and a growing rate many times are being managed by companies simply adding on costs. Their insight doesn't push results, it standardized you. BDCs are being recommended for management by two preferred vendors for one manufacturer right now. You will sound and read just like your closest competitor. Is that your goal? No, is that really your goal? How much money will you save to get your Internet lead and phone closing rates up 10-50%?

If you save $1,000 a month since you can receive co-op funds with one BDC company, did you save money when you lost 20 units that should have been sold otherwise? Your social media is accelerating you to the same fate with most OEM-pushed companies. However since you don't read your own dealership posts, maybe it really doesn't happen.

At the end of the day, it's all good since the reporting says you're doing a great job. Right? Wrong.

The cost of being minimized, standardized and homogenized has still not hit an industry that's nearly minting money again hard enough between the eyes. To those that are fighting the fight, staying agile, focusing on results as much as the bottom line and not losing their grasp on where the digital consumer (which is all of us) is guiding us…here's to you! You'll be the ones who win.

For those who choose to be a mindless, factory clone, here's to wishing you the lost excitement, zest, fire and desire that you started with. You gave up the digital battle for whatever reason you did, hopefully you can save more than your money…

It All Comes Down To Counts And Figures

When you live for sales, one thing usually starts and ends the conversation: money. How you get there is important along with a number of other factors like goals and bonuses, perks, recognition and more. We surround ourselves with facts, data and figures: units, conversion, month-over-month, even comparing ourselves to in-brand, in-market competition.

What is it that drives the best? What is it that ultimately separates us from the stars and accolades? Why do some salespeople always seem to be 'lucky'? Most of the time it comes down to counts and figures, but not the ones you are thinking about, including ones already mentioned here. For the leaders, it comes down to counting on yourself and figuring out how to improve or stay ahead of the game.

Without learning, self-improvement and flat-out challenging yourself, the units or dollars becomes the only factor, which is a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you count on customers just walking in the door more than you count on hitting your calls and emails to drive traffic, you might just count on a big goose egg.

Figuring on things just happening versus figuring on ways to better connect with customers, methods to keep better track of your prospects and ways to drive your business up may have you figuring on polishing your resume.

Doing what it takes to make every day great rather than taking each day as it comes is the path to a successful future. Those who count on themselves to be creative and agile will win. And the ones that figure out how to take each opportunity for everything it's worth will lead.

Figure out how and count on yourself to…

Best practices: Professional Insight, Powerful Results

Water The Tree…Then Turn A New Leaf

Many people in training and consulting today focus almost entirely on the 'what-to-do-now' with a few fundamentals which can work well for some dealers, even those that are struggling with online marketing, lead handling and brand extension/equity.

That can be absolutely fine, turning a new leaf and running down after what's next. Do that without watering the whole tree…and the leaf dies with the tree. Your wonderful new iPhone, Storm or Omnia are wonderful, technological wonders…that can't stop you from having an entire conversation of "uhhs, umms, ahhs and ya knows".

Dealers, it's time to get serious about the help you need, not the help you think you need. Hot on vSEO to drive organic traffic? How many more leads can you take when your current ones are being answered effectively? Paying more to market your pre-owned vehicles so more traffic sees your inventory? Only for the public to see mediocre (or no) pictures and realize that you haven't taken the time to focus on keywords and correct descriptions? Guess what…your competition got it right! Afraid to ask your next customer for a recommendation? How then can you get it online?

It's past the time to seriously look at everything you are doing today and how to improve those before you go onto the next thing that can mask an inadequacy. Not that you're expected to be perfect, nobody is going to ask you of that…gosh, consultants and trainers aren't either!

But you have to absolutely do the fundamentals consistently and as correctly as possible before you spend the extra $2,000 a month on the new whippersnappermagicaldoodah. Water the whole tree and every leaf gets lifted higher and everyone gets to grow together (and stay around a little while longer).

Best practices: Professional Insight, Powerful Results

The Chicken Or The Egg? No…The Chicken AND The Egg

When you don't make one, someone makes one for you. If you make one too early, you may regret it.  It's the lifeline, the conduit, the facilitator and the support system making making things work: decisions. We are making decisions constantly in business. But are our decisions the right ones?

While this is not meant to second guess (or cause you to, slowing your business), this idea was put here to make you understand that decisions are based on options. Too often we hear expressions like "I had no decision" or "It's too hard to make a decision right now". If you are in business or your work for someone's business, it is your job to make decisions from a complete understanding of the options.

Now, not everyone has the time to completely research every option (I hear that from dealer principals and management regularly) and that is fair. But when opportunity knocks loudly and clearly, how you can not make a decision is one of the greatest mysteries in not just the auto industry, but any industry that is sales-related. No time to take meetings these days? Won't entertain vendors, sales reps and consultants? Watch the light at the end of the tunnel fade completely out.

When you lead, you get to take the advantage of time, less competition, more opportunity and other great benefits. There is also more risk but let's not forget why you're in business in the first place. Dealers that didn't ignore the Internet got a decent start.  Those who not only jumped on but got educated and leveraged web-based CRM, online marketing, SEO, SEM and other technology are, more often than not, reaping the benefits and mitigating their losses right now (unfortunately those who suffer from buy-it-and-dont-use-it-or-understand-it-itis don't qualify).

Now is the time to take the bull by the horns. Stop waiting, stop following. Start being part of the solution, the decision, the opportunity, the what's next! And guess what?

You get to have the chicken AND the egg…

Best practices: Professional Insight, Powerful Results

A December To Remember? For A Lot Of Reasons

No matter how tightly or loosely your association with the automotive industry, this is a month of reckoning for so many reasons. But most are still in 'wait and see mode'. That just flat out can't be comfortable and it's not right, so why is it done?  If you'd had the proverbial crystal ball, what would you have done months ago (if not years)?

It is interesting to hear about some level of negative consumer sentiment or backlash about the Toyota 0% advertising. When was the last time the public's voice rallied against dealers communicating with them too much or trying to sell them cars they didn't want?

Not to rip off Lexus and their annual end-of-the-year ad blitz, but will this be a December to remember? Some stores are talking about a small lift in their traffic, some about people buying again and some are just happy to get clients responding via email. How do you keep the water flowing?

These are constants in what IM@CS teaches daily:

1. Put everything in the customers' terms
2. Ask questions
3. Validate the customer (while talking less)
4. Answer their questions and ask a new one (yes, keep the conversation going)
5. Demonstrate a real reason to buy
6. Promote value, advantages and benefits

Then ask yourself what your marketing says and remember that if you keep doing the same things, don't expect different results. In a meeting with a dealer service provider Tuesday, their entire (refreshing) approach was to understand their clients' needs better. Almost everything we talked about related to engagement. So…what are you doing every day to think about how you communicate and relate to your clients?

Don't pay more attention than your precious time allows to think about the economy, bailouts, cut backs, fewer units sales, etc. Nothing affects you more than the leads you're not responding to, the terse or lacking responses and messages you leave, the appointments you don't confirm and the time you don't spend learning how to do things better.

Find every reason to make this a December to remember for your own reasons, get out there and be great!

Best practices: Professional Insight, Powerful Results