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Posts with recommendation tag.
Resolutions? Who Needs Resolutions? We’ve Got WORK To Do!

It's no coincidence that by using the term 'resolutions' as
temporary markers, we're able to miss our goals and targets. In an industry
that's usually more comfortable with what worked 10 years ago, why waste time
with "I wish"? Fact is, by resolving to do something it means that
you're going to do it.

If you're lacking resolve, find someone that can help you with it. This is not
a plea for you to run out and get a shrink, not at all. Rather being resolute
about how you manage your business, as a GM or a sales person or a porter, is entirely up
to how well you plan your work. And when you think about the work involved with
your entire online presence, business and infrastructure, it's not about being
the 'do it all person'. That method will lead to disaster.

2010 will be a dividing and defining year, but not by the forces
of government intervention, the factory guillotine, lack of the 'perfect' new model or even that location you've been eyeing for years. It will be a year of the haves and have nots: either your 3 P's (plan, people and partners) will provide you with the better option or not. Here is the best starting point that we can recommend rather than spitting out another list of vendors, processes or simple recommendations that can be easily duplicated next door:

1. Where are you? Why are you there? Think about this in terms of where your greatest opportunities are for growth. Some things are completely transparent, like Google rank results, conversion rates and revenue per PO (just as examples) and some are not, like sourcing, third-party expenses and advertising in untracked media.

2. Who's with you and who's not? If you've not weeded out your staff in a while, you're lying to yourself. There is some huge talent out there that can not only move the needle forward, they can likely add some sorely needed spark and sizzle to the rest of the people that claim to love coming to work. 'Stick In The Mud' and 'On The Bubble' are not a fun games to play for two years in a row…

3. What changed that you ignored or missed? Usually a massive change in results comes from more than the other franchise having a stellar month while you tanked. If something big shifted, start with asking your customers, your prospects and those that opted to go somewhere else. The insight will do more for you that pulling the wool over your eyes. This is not a 'social media play', this is a 'get yourself dirty play'.

4. Do you have buy in? Another thing to consider is who's behind you. If it's not a majority or all of your staff voting on how things get done, it's time to be open. Not humor, Not simply listen. It's do or die time and if people don't think you care about them , they won't care about you. (hey, customers think the same way. wow!) The 1976 way of handling sales and staff meetings should be 86'd.

We could go with 'finely tuned engine' or something cheesy like 'firing on all cylinders' but you have to do the things that will really impact your business. Aside from that you MUST fire vendors that don't do their job and stop excusing poor performance.

Today a dealer talked about taking the bold step of letting a vendor go that was so far from doing their job. At a rediculously low price. For something the store didn't really think about. Tomorrow, they're going to take it in-house, spend more money, get the job done right and will likely see the results from their efforts…two to three months from now. What are you doing that, if you'd take five minnutes to think about it, doesn't make sense.

If you can't find anything that's broken, here's another recommendation: Walk into a non-automotive business and whatever you notice that absolutely bothers the $#&^ out of you, ask your employees to stop doing it and take suggestions from them to improve. Why? Because there's a 95% chance that your business is doing the same thing.

2010 is full of promise. There will be those dealerships that hit the ball out of the park. There will be those that barely get on base consistently. There will be those that can't even get the batting helmet on. There will be those that aren't even in the game.

Your chance is to own the whole frickin game…

Best Practices: Professional Insight, Powerful Results

Week At IM@CS: Chats With The Industry

It's been a while, maybe to long! Considering what is happening in the market, it's time to get back on track with the folks that power the industry (yes, besides consultants!). This is another mix of providers touching different aspects of marketing and services that hopefully give you a leg up (if not a whole body length or two).

You've heard it here before and you'll likely continue to hear it: accountability. I've not yet met a vendor that tells you everything. Even the most up front company will tell you that they can/do something and then shuffle (some like mad) to get it done, even if they know how to do it. Not only do I expect this, the challenge of new things for clients makes some companies tick, while many just hide.

More than ever, dealerships want the services they pay for to get the
customer in so their sales staff can "close 'em". Just leaves you to
guess that many salespeople still believe that they shouldn't have to work for the close.

Mobile Web: Face it, you have to do it, it's absolutely here (if not passing the auto industry like a freight train), consumers want it and technology is changing faster than prices for NBA Finals tickets right now.

Advanced Mobile Solutions has a great platform they're rolling out for automotive. They know mobile, understand that life-on-the-go will extend beyond iPhones and Android Phones very soon, have the backbone to support it and want to push the ball forward. Many of the platforms I've seen for dealership inventory are lacking. This company has some great promise…oh, yes they can also do your mobile/text marketing so you can have one vendor doing both correctly http://www.advancedmobile.us

Widgets: Plenty of people still question the staying power and how steadfast of a marketing tool having some real estate of a consumer's desktop is, let alone if they'd download it. Outside of iGoogle and the 'techie' folks, many believe that this market is absolutely huge.

Already featured last December in a "Week At IM@CS", DealerBug needs to be checked out seriously (yes, by you!). This versatile tool allows great presence, branding, analytics and adaptability. It's not a question of when you need it, only how will you use it. They're delivering customized widgets for everything from pre-order vehicles (like Camaro), to car clubs (Mustang, Corvette, IS-F, EVO, etc) and developing inventory-based communication. Relevancy and timeliness has a new home on your customer's screen http://www.dealerbug.com

Live chat has developed into a tightly debated sector of consumer engagement on dealership website (and now even on videos and ads playing on non-dealership properties like YouTube). No matter what, dealerships that do it right…get the results.

ActivEngage happens to be where IM@CS believes the market is right now for car dealership live chat (ie real-time car sales folks). Every time there seems to be a wrinkle in the 'get-em-on-the-website' process, this company appears to have the iron for the job. I've been impressed this year in watching the value that they continue to provide http://www.activengage.com

Hopefully we'll keep this section of the blog a little more alive. Please give some feedback on any companies that you believe should be featured or if your experience with any ones that are featured has been less than desired (in all fairness).

Best Practices: Professional Insight, Powerful Results

Week At IM@CS: Chats With The Industry

There are some great companies out there and this section of our blog is intended to both look at best practices and provide a more level playing field for those that don't have the marketing dollars or field representation. Sometimes, it's just that the vendor is newer to the space and should get a helping hand.

Both of the companies listed here are neither new or very small, but they do have those qualities. Both are headed by experienced leaders and provide a great service.

1Micro: Integration means different things to different people. Doing a great job with prospects before, during and after their dealership experience requires skill, knowledge and a solid level of integration. 1Micro provides an impressive system at any level, including key systems and CRM. Back at the Digital Dealer conference in April '08 I had the chance to get a thorough introduction by Kris Terp and I've been impressed since. Check them out at http://www.1micro.com

Jazel: Websites are websites until they have strong SEO, are dynamic and allow dealers with different skill levels to admin them. So Steve Hastert and his team at Jazel provide more than just a website, which is what more and more dealers need today. They also have an ad agency background so they know how to drive traffic, create eye-candy and also keep things simple if you prefer that. Oh, they do lead management as well, so you may even be able to simplify things if you like http://www.jazelauto.com

We'll try to keep these updates weekly and ultimately have an area where you can get in touch with the vendors.

Best practices: Professional Insight, Powerful Results

Don’t Worry About 2009…Unless You Have To

If there has ever been a time to realize the benefits of creating and executing on new strategies, it is the coming year. For those who went digital, got behind online completely, build their brand and reputation where the public actually spends their time, engaged their clientele via effective software and database activities, you will already have a great look into how your 2009 will sort out. Keep doing what you're doing and don't worry.

Now, if you haven't spent time assessing, looking at, determining and then executing your Interactive strategy, you have one decision with two options. And if you do opt for the 'stay in business' route, be prepared for a significant amount of technology this year, even simply from an integration standpoint. Things on the software, video, mobile and other aspects of marketing are going to accelerate.

Over the weekend, a number of conversations I was around included statements about newspapers, relevancy and readership, none of them positive. Separately, two people will be buying vehicles by March, their impressions already biased by sites they like. Others talked about past experiences being indicative of the future. Many people talked about making brand decisions based on the automotive industry coverage in the media, so I straightened those out at least. But overwhelmingly, people are using the web and not thinking about stepping foot in a dealership that is not in their specific scope of consideration.

Everything points to us having to do a better job attracting and connecting to our customer base online. It's winter, when is the last time you've had a banner ad on the local online traffic reports or weather updates on your local network news' website? Do you have links from local businesses' websites that have purchased vehicles from you? Even though we've focused a lot of attention on this lately: how many customers are providing online testimonials for you? (read: not many! Need ideas to get your customers to do that? here's one: ask them).

Your 2009 results will be based on what you are doing today and have been doing for the past few months. Those leads and customers are going to share their experience with others. The brand impressions people received months ago will undoubtedly affect who walks in your door tomorrow. There is no denying that your 2009 will be build on your ability to create a more significant presence in the areas where people consume media and data. Who's blogging, commenting and Twittering for you?

Challenge yourself to layout a plan for the first quarter that is web-based, create an environment of support throughout your entire store and get everyone to assist in deploying your new brand strategy. Get creative, become savvier, see yourself doing things that are not comfortable but will deliver results and ultimately take back ownership of your future.

There are a number of events that are dedicated to the Internet side of the business at the beginning of 2009. Commit to making those a part of your strategy and don't back out. Go the extra mile to figure out what you are going to do instead of being a victim of current circumstances.

Leave the worrying to others that don't take the time to invest in their future. Be confident in your direction and commitments. Spend your time and energy on things that deliver results rather than doubt. Thank you for reading this, now do something else online to further your business!

Best practices: Professional Insight, Powerful Results