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If We Only Had A Lightbulb To Screw In…And Other Mistakes We Make

How many times have you heard the proverbial saying…"How many (fill in the blank) does it take to screw in a light bulb?", even lately jokingly about the group of 'car czars' circling around Detroit. While we might focus on the joke or moral of the question, how many of us have the light bulb to start with?

If we always focus on the activities and not the goal, it is easy to understand why all the hubbub is around who gets to 'do' things. Considering how things are now, I'd be more concerned with making sure we have the right bulb, that it fits, that it will provide the right illumination and that we know where it came from in case we need more. Then I'd focus on who gets to have the joy of screwing it in!

And this is not endemic to just finding the right action person, it's perpetuated in so many other areas. Larry Pinci (of Sell The Feeling) put it well in a meeting we had not too long ago: "are you on the cause side of the equation or the effect side?". If you're in wait mode, or even better in 'head in the sand' mode, right now you're not on the right side of the equation.

Today I had a great conversation with a dealer in the Ventura area of Southern California in which we discussed branding, something he's been trying to get the owner to act on for quite some time. Part of the build up was him answering pointed questions about experience on their website, consumer engagement and reach. As we talked, he came up with some great answers as to what the site lacked. Until we know what the solution or goal is, the bulb turning (activities) doesn't matter!!!!!

VENDORS: Same thought process when considering how many vendors are pitching dealership GMs and principals today. Want to create a business partner or a sale? (hopefully you answer that one correctly). Want to have an opportunity or 5 minutes and get tossed? (and that one). So why are you trying to get something "sold" before you even know that there is a need identified. Hint: not a need, every business has needs. Rather a need that has been identified!!!!

With so much of what happens today being knee-jerk, defensive actions, it is that much more important to have your goals identified and clearly understand your starting point. Don't' make the same mistakes as the pack! Remember that the last action needed to complete a task is not the one to concentrate on. You must focus on the first one and realize that you'll separate yourself from the rest by the time your goal is reached.

And when you finally flip the switch, it'll be that much more illuminating!

Best practices: Professional Insight, Powerful Results

Stay In The Driver’s Seat and You’ll Put More In Theirs

When it comes to the selling of cars today, it's not any easy task. Compared to the past twenty plus years, the cake walk has slowed to a drunk crawl. So what allows some folks in the 'Internet' sales world to deliver 15, 20 or even 25 and more per month? Control.

Staying in the driver's seat is not about dominating a conversation (or having a monologue with a prospect in front of you) or barely raising above a whisper for the fear of the person leaving the lot. Control is first about confidence, knowing that what you have to offer is more important than the piece of inventory that you're trying to sell. Being a dynamic listener and taking the time to qualify your customer keeps you from falling into sales (although there is nothing wrong with that, don't make it habit).

One of the greatest parts of staying in the driver's seat is learning, whether about the client or yourself. When you learn, you are taking steps toward the art of being in control. Once realized, you are no longer a victim or circumstance or, as Larry PInci of Sell The Feeling puts it, on the 'effect' side of the equation.

If you are typically in the driver's seat, you'll likely have your 2009 plans carved out (if not already in motion), have your targets planned for January, realized some things that you will both do and not do to cause change in the coming year and, chances are, have some 'use-of-technology' goals on the radar.

It is interesting to watch some of the data that comes out monthly (if not weekly as of late). Look at the trend in truck and SUV leads and sales over the past month. Surprised that people are buying them again, even with all of the focus in Washington D.C. over relevancy and MPG tied to providing loans to the domestic OEMs? Give people a reason to buy and they will.

Remember that people do what they want to do. Sometimes they need permission. When someone wants to buy a house, do they go to a dry cleaners or trash collector? Do you watch E! Television when you are considering which college to send your child to? Understand your market, your customers, your skills and your opportunities. Use control for all it's worth…heck you might even influence someone!

Stay in the driver's seat and people will come to you when it's time to buy a car.

Best practices: Professional Insight, Powerful Results